Looking for ways to beat boredom while staying safe this summer? If you or a friend own a pickup truck, there are plenty of ways to do up a truck bed to have some summer fun– even without leaving your driveway! Here are four of our favorite DIYs to transform a pickup truck into a whole new experience:
Pool party
If your little ones are getting tired of the heat, turn your truck bed into a temporary kiddie pool with nothing more than a tarp and a garden hose! Looking to level up? Check out Pick-Up Pools to find special liners designed with pickup truck pool parties in mind. Just be sure to do your research beforehand to make sure you’re not overloading your truck bed with too much weight!
Want to enjoy a picnic without worrying about sharing a meal with ants? Spread your blanket out in your truck bed instead! Bring a speaker and plenty of snacks and enjoy a meal outside with no mess!
Drive-in theater
Pickup trucks are perfect for hitting your local drive-in theater because the truck bed gives you plenty of room to stretch out and enjoy! Make sure to bring lots of pillows and blankets and a cooler for drinks and snacks so you can really kick back and relax. Don’t live near a drive-in? Replicate one in your own backyard with a projector and bed sheet on the side of your house or garage!
Camping trip
In the mood to enjoy the great outdoors but don’t love the idea of sleeping on the ground? Set up sleeping bags and lanterns in your truck bed and enjoy a comfortable night under the stars– you can even squeeze in a tent, if there’s room, for the full experience! Just don’t forget the s’mores!
These transformations are just a few of the great ways to enjoy some fresh air this summer! Don’t forget, the first step to enjoying any truck bed makeover is a fresh wash! Click here to find a Super Sudz location near you and swing by today to get your pool/camper/picnic locale ready for some summer fun!